The Reactor Meltdown in Area 51 [Part 4]

A loud “BOOM!” was what everyone including the scientist heard from the power plant. Parts of metal was on the ground. Some of it was even on fire.

The scientist lay unconscious on the ground. People were crowding around him saying, “is he alive?” and “someone call an ambulance!”

He could barely keep his eyes open, the last things he saw was smoke, concrete, metal and fire.

The next thing he knew were doctors saying, “get this man on life support!” He was being wheeled around areas in the hospital.

Then he heard, “sir can you hear me?!” someone said.

The Reactor Meltdown in Area 51 [Part 3]

The nuclear reactor scientist runs out of the room thinking, “I can’t be afraid.” He starts having flashbacks of when the siren was ringing through the corridors, commanding everyone to evacuate the industry. He just barely manages to snap back into reality.

“Things are getting red hot in here!” he says, “it’s urgent that I escape.”

He sees the green that reads “exit” in pure L.E.D light. Just as he’s close, another voice rang through the corridors. “Self-destruct in 3-2-1!” Just before it hit one, the scientist jumped at the doors and crashed through them.

Then, there was a loud BOOM!

The Reactor Meltdown in Area 51 [Part 2]

The more the scientist ran the more sweat ran down his face. He ran past a corridor labelled 9F and inside was shattered glass all over the floor.

He looked around; there was green goo everywhere, it looked like the glass came from a large cylinder. Underneath was a sign that said: Caution! This class V alien. It is attracted to all sorts of light. All personnel must confirm that the light in this room must be turned off.

         The scientist kept looking around. He noticed a dead scientist on the ground, and that the lights were on. He thought to himself, “what did I tell you about the lights…”